Monday, 4 June 2012

060412 +Pride Edmonton!!!!


Hi guys

No pictures in this post because I'm a bum

this is just a quick update to tell y'all how i'm doin


I'm going to the pride parade in Edmonton On Saturday and if any of you will be there then
yeah you know what to look for
I'm short/candy red hair i can't be too hard to miss LOL
I'll also be in the city on either thursday or friday with nae chan
we'll be at the mall or whatever
come say hi
we don't bite


I'm posting this because it's my last week of school till next year and it's super stressful
like I'm also posting this because I have 2 booklets and a presentation due tomorrow and it's 10:30 pm I'm the worst at procrastinating don't procrastinate kids!!! Use me as example LOL

I'm so stressed right now 
I can put this off till I come back
as that option is available but I don't want to feel like I'm procrastinating more by doing so.
I did the crime
i'm doing the time


I'll feel accomplished when I'm done which is great
my year will be over
and then all I'll have to worry about is going on the pow wow trails (hopefully ;~;), vegas trip in July and animethon in August!
I've also started playing Fallout New Vegas
Nae made me do it LOL
 it's actually
really fun holy shit
I thought i'd hate it but wow it's gr8
go play it ok


thanks for sticking through my bullshit this year, and more recently thanks for 
my influx of followers and whoever posted that gyaru valentine, thank you that made my day ;A;

kawaiikind is my tumblr by the way, follow for more annoying updates
and more recently me bickering with someone because they changed the source
on a picture of my eye... like they didn't even
save it and repost
they actually
reblogged it from me


1 comment:

  1. Saskatoon had this too, but its so small, I would love to go to one in Alberta T.T
